Yeast as a Promising Tool in the Elucidation of Plant Natural Product Chemistry?
发布时间 :2019-12-13  阅读次数 :5262

报告人:Dr. Yanran Li,(李嫣然)  Assistant Professor   Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering,   UC Riverside






Dr. Yanran Li obtained her Bachelor's degrees in Chemistry from Nankai University, and Chemical Engineering from Tianjin University, China, in 2007. From 2008 to 2012, she pursued her PhD degree in Professor Yi Tang's group at UCLA, working on elucidating and engineering the biosynthesis of bacterial and fungal aromatic polyketides. She then spent one year in Prof. Rustem Ismagilov's group at Caltech, using microfluidic devices to investigate microbial interactions. From 2013 to 2016, she was a postdoctoral fellow in Prof. Christina Smolke's group at Stanford, working on the engineered biosynthesis of plant alkaloids in yeast. In 2016, she was appointed as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering at UC Riverside, working on harnessing yeast to investigate plant secondary metabolism.



Plant natural products are of great pharmaceutical significance and exhibit a wide range of bioactivities. One major challenge in developing and using plant molecules for medicinal purposes is their low abundance in nature. The low accessibility of these valuable phytochemicals has resulted in limited supplies of these molecules that, in many cases, do not meet research and market demand. The baker’s yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, has been widely engineered as an alternative producer for many plant natural products, which indicates it as a feasible platform for efficient biosynthesis elucidation through heterologous pathway reconstitution. However, S. cerevisiae also exhibit certain limitations towards plant pathway reconstitution. Here, with some of our recent engineering efforts, we will discuss on the challenges remain to be resolved to adapt baker’s yeast as a feasible heterologous host for reconstitution and elucidation of plant secondary metabolism.