发布时间 :2019-10-13  阅读次数 :7590

报告人:何勇群 教授 密西根大学医学院

报告时间:2019年10月15日(星期二) 13:00-14:00


联 系 人:欧竑宇



何勇群博士,密西根大学医学院终生教授,主要从事本体学、生物信息学、微生物学、反向疫苗学、药物与疫苗副作用研究。主持开发多个生物医学本体如疫苗本体、不良反应本体、细胞系本体、宿主-病原体相互作用本体、和精准医学及研究本体。开发了多个本体应用软件(如Ontobee和Ontofox)。发表SCI论文100多篇。帮助成立OntoChina(本体中国)项目。主持过多项国际学术研讨会。担任Frontier in Cellular and Infection Microbiology副主编、Scientific Data 和Frontiers in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology等杂志编委。



Ontology is human- and machine-understandable representation of entities and the relations among entities in a specific domain. Since the publication of the Gene Ontology (GO) in 2000, ontology has emerged to play an important role in standard biomedical knowledge and data representation, integration, and computer-assisted data analysis. Now hundreds of ontologies have been developed to support biomedical research. Efforts are also taken to integrate these ontologies together to support ontology interoperability for more advanced data analysis. Artificial intelligence (AI) requires machine understanding, learning, and reasoning. Ontology is the basis of supporting advanced AI tasks such as natural language processing and deep learning in basic, clinical and translational biomedical fields.