The expanding role of Lipid Droplet in Neurodegenerative Diseases
发布时间 :2019-10-01  阅读次数 :3778


报告地点:闵行校区生物药学楼 树华多功能厅


报告人:Professor Bertrand Mollereau

Laboratory of Biology and Modelling of the Cell, ENS de Lyon, France.

Lab website :



Increasing evidence suggests that dysregulation of lipid metabolism is associated with neurodegeneration in brain disorders such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. Lipid storage organelles (lipid droplets, LDs), accumulate in many cell types in response to stress, and it is now clear that LDs function not only as lipid stores but also as dynamic regulators of the stress response. However, whether these LD are always protective or can also be deleterious to the cell is matter of debate. We recently showed that dFatp (Drosophila fatty acid transport protein) is required and sufficient LD formation in retinal pigment cells (RPCs) and that FATP-mediated LD formation in RPCs promotes neuronal homeostasis (Van Den Brink et al. 2018). Furthermore, we used a

Drosophila expressing alpha-synuclein as model of Parkinson’s disease (PD) in which we observed a neuronal accumulation of LD in Drosophila. I will present evidences of the mechanisms leading to LD accumulation and their pathological relevance in neurodegeneration. During this seminar, I will also discuss recent results on the regulation of autophagy during the process of neurodegeneration.



• Professor Bertrand Mollereau (ResearcherID: S-4447-2017) is the head of the Apoptosis and Neurogenetics Group at the Laboratory of Biology and Modelling of the Cell (LBMC) at the ENS-Lyon, France.

• He obtained his PhD in Immunology in 1997 from the University of Paris. He performed post-doctoral studies in Pr Claude Desplan's

laboratory at the Rockefeller University and New York University and was appointed to the position of Assistant Professor at the Rockefeller University in Hermann's Steller laboratory (2001-2006).

• In 2006, Prof. Mollereau was appointed as a full professor at the ENS-Lyon, where he leads a research group investigating the mechanisms of cell death and pathophysiology of neurodegenerative diseases using Drosophila, mouse, and human cellular models. He has 20 years of expertise in the field of cell death mechanisms and 15 years of experience as a group leader using Drosophila as model system to investigate pathological mechanisms.

• Prof. Mollereau has pioneered the concept of ER preconditioning by demonstrating the neuroprotective effects of mild ER stress, and his group first coined the term "ER hormesis" to describe this effect.

• He has also worked quiet extensively on p53 responses (apoptosis, autophagy and necrosis) and their importance during development and in the formation of cancer. Finally, for the last few years, his lab has focused on the importance of lipid metabolism in neurodegeneration and in particular retinal diseases.