Application of synthetic biology for plant-based pharmaceuticals production
发布时间 :2019-06-26  阅读次数 :10117

主讲人:Dr. Md. Rezaul Islam Khan







Dr. Khan from Bangladesh has completed master degree from the Islamic University majoring in biotechnology and genetic engineering in 2005. He then joined as a research associate in the department of biochemistry and molecular biology, the University of Dhaka for 3 years. Flowingly, he served as a lecturer in the medical school of Gono University, Dhaka. He then engaged in PhD in 2011 under CSC-scholarship and completed his PhD from Bio-X, SJTU under the supervision of Prof. He Lin in 2016. His subject was the functional study of cyanobacterial transcriptional factor and host development for high value-added product production. He was awarded as an excellent international graduate student for his outstanding performance in PhD. He then moved to Pohang University of Science and technology, POSTECH, South Korea to be a Postdoc in Professor Inhwan Hwang’s group. Now he is focusing on plant-based pharmaceuticals production applying the principle of synthetic biology.



The plant-based biopharmaceutical is a growing field, and it is growing very fast. Despite the huge advantage of the plant as host, the purification of therapeutic proteins spans 50% of the cost. Thus, efficient and cost-effective purification of therapeutic protein after transient expression in the plant is a perquisite for commercial purpose. Mr Khan’s presentation will shed light on how synthetic biology does help to develop a novel method for therapeutic human protein purification after transient expression in Nicotiana benthamiana. He will also discuss part of his research on how does he apply synthetic biology approach to treat septicemia diseases, remove endotoxin from the sample of interest and develop an alternative to conventional LAL-Test.