Halophytes: an untapped resource to improve salinity and drought stress tolerance in crops
发布时间 :2019-05-20  阅读次数 :4803

报告人:  Sergey Shabala       Professor and Head, Stress Physiology Laboratory, University of Tasmania(sergey.shabala@utas.edu.au

报告时间:2019年5月29日(星期三)   上午10:00


联 系 人:张大兵



Professor Sergey Shabala is a Distinguished Professor and Director of the International Research Centre for Environmental Membrane Biology at Foshan University and a Head of the Stress Physiology Research Laboratory at the University of Tasmania in Australia. He is a former President of the Australian Society of Plant Scientists and a current Editor in Chief for Functional Plant Biology. His area of expertise is stress physiology and membrane transport in plants. His work is aimed at revealing and quantifying the role of specific ion transporters in plant adaptive responses to salinity, waterlogging, osmotic stress, chilling, acidity, elicitors and oxidative stress, as well as to understand the signalling cascades mediating plant-environment interactions. Over his research career, Prof Shabala has published over 270 peer-reviewed papers and successfully supervised to completion 34 PhD students. He is ISI Highly Cited researcher and most cited Australian Plant Biologist in the last 5 years. His work has been cited 17,000 times, and his H-index = 70. He is a member of editorial boards of 12 international journals, and he holds a title of the Visiting or Distinguished Professor in four overseas universities.