“Mark the Readership” for Epigenetic Regulation 求真讲坛第六期
发布时间 :2019-04-23  阅读次数 :4653

讲座时间:2019-5-9 14:00-15:30


主 讲 人:李海涛 清华大学结构生物学高精尖创新中心副主任 教授


联 系 人:邢海娜 (xinghaina@sjtu.edu.cn)






李海涛,清华大学医学院教授。1997年山东大学本科毕业,2003年获中科院生物物理所博士学位,同年赴美于纽约斯隆-凯特琳癌症中心从事博士后研究,2010年回清华大学任教。长期从事表观遗传调控的分子结构基础研究,先后发现并阐明包括PHD、YEATS等在内一系列表观遗传调控因子识别或催化组蛋白修饰的分子基础。目前在包括Nature, Cell在内的国际学术期刊发表论文或综述70余篇,引用7800余次。先后获得国家杰出青年基金、药明康德生命化学研究奖、人类前沿科学计划青年研究员基金奖、茅以升北京青年科技奖、清华大学学术新人,和教育部新世纪人才等荣誉或奖励。



In eukaryotic organisms, access of genetic information is controlled by the “ON” or “OFF” state of chromatin. During the past decades, a remarkable variety of covalent modifications to histones or DNA have been documented. These chemical modifications provide vast indexing potential to the genome, and constitute an additional layer of epigenetic information, referred to as the “histone or epigenetic code” that regulate gene activity without alterations in the underlying DNA sequence. Chromatin modifications are under highly regulated forms of epigenetic control. Eukaryotic cells have evolved with counteracting enzymatic machineries for the “writing” or “erasing” of given epigenetic marks - distinct histone or DNA modifications. Meanwhile, a wealth of conserved “reader” modules have been created for specific recognition of these marks. Here, I report on the molecular basis underlying histone modification readout by the ever-expanding kingdom of reader modules, including Bromo, Tudor, PWWP, PHD, and YEATS domains. The examples presented here highlight how chromatin regulators make use of exquisitely designed reader modules to translate an epigenetic signature into downstream functional outcomes.





