Formation of the human spine: lessons from pluripotent stem cells
发布时间 :2019-04-22  阅读次数 :3824

主讲人:Olivier Pourquie






Olivier Pourquie教授,现任美国哈佛大学医学院遗传学教授,Brigham和妇女医院病理学教授。毕业于法国巴黎高科农业学院,曾任职Howard Hughes医学研究所研究员。曾任法国遗传、分子与细胞生物学研究所(IGBMC)主任,Development杂志的主编。在CellNatureScience等期刊发表一百余篇论文。他在控制椎骨的时空发育方面的工作被Nature杂志认为是二十世纪发育生物学的最重要的里程碑之一。



We are interested in the development of the vertebrate musculo-skeletal axis. Using chicken and mouse embryos as model systems, we combine developmental biology and genomic approaches to study patterning and differentiation of the precursors of muscles and vertebrae. While most of this work has been carried out in vivo, we are now developing protocols to recapitulate these early developmental processes in vitro using mouse and human embryonic or reprogrammed stem cells. We are also turning to translational approaches, using our understanding of the early development to produce cells of the muscle and vertebral lineages in vitro from pluripotent cells to study human diseases of the musculo-skeletal axis and for cell therapy approaches.

