How to build cellular highways; a framework for the design principles of the actin cytoskeleton in plants
发布时间 :2018-10-13  阅读次数 :4709

主讲人:Staffan Persson ,

Professor School of Biosciences, University of MelbourneParkville, VIC, Australia 



Staffan Persson completed his PhD in Dec, 2003, which was a joint degree between Lund University (Sweden) and North Carolina State University (US). He then pursued a postdoc at the Carnegie Institution of Washington at Stanford University 2004-2007. Staffan was appointed as a Max-Planck Group Leader at the MPI for Molecular Plant Physiology in Potsdam in 2008, where he stayed until 2014. Since Jan 2015 Staffan is a R@MAP Professor and an ARC Future Fellow (level 3) at the School of BioSciences at University of Melbourne. He is a Thomson Reuter/Web of Science highly cited researcher 2016 and 2017. The research in his group aims at understanding how plants are producing cellulose, which is the most abundant biopolymer on Earth and that is a raw material for many applications in our society.  For further information see: 

报告人的研究重点为植物纤维素合成及调控。曾主持多项大型科研课题及科研框架计划,曾担任2项欧盟重大研究项目首席科学家。在《Cell》、《Science》、《Nature Plants》、《Developmental Cell》和《PNAS》等顶级学术期刊发表超过100篇的高水平学术论文。 2016和2017年连续两次被SCI评为全球高被引学者。讲授“细胞生物学”、“植物生物学”等本科及研究生课程,参与了墨尔本大学本科生课程大纲的制定。课题组和全球多个植物科学领域顶级实验室有广泛的国际合作。在2016年筹建了墨尔本大学-马普植物生理所联合博士生培养项目。由于卓越学术建树和其他方面优秀的表现,本人被授予2017年度墨尔本大学“院长荣誉奖”。






The actin cytoskeleton is essential for organisms to grow and develop as it supports cell shape, motility and division. In plant cells, the actin cytoskeleton is important for distribution of organelles, pattering of cell wall polymers, and drives cytoplasmic streaming. To better understand the actin cytoskeleton, it is important to quantify its features. However, such framework has remained difficult to implement and the system-level properties of actin-based cellular trafficking therefore remain largely unknown. We have developed an automated image-based, network-driven framework to accurately segment and quantify actin cytoskeletal structures and organelle transport. We could show that the actin cytoskeleton in both growing and elongated hypocotyl plant cells has structural properties facilitating efficient transport. We utilized this framework to explore actin features during cotton fiber growth and to quantify changes in the actin cytoskeleton that supports stem gravitropism in rice. Thus, our framework provides quantitative assessments of the actin cytoskeleton to investigate its properties in living cells. Notably, this framework can be used to estimate cytoskeletal organization and transport in all types of organisms.