Application of metabolomics for high resolution phenotype analysis
发布时间 :2018-07-25  阅读次数 :5313

报告人:Eiichiro Fukusaki
报告人简介: Professor, Department of Biotechnology, Graduate School of Engineering,Osaka University(大阪大学)
Metabolomics is applicable without genome sequence information. Therefore, Metabolomics would be powerful analytical tool for commercially available plant and microorganisms. [1]  According to the above context, Metabolomics means exhaustive relationship analysis between 'data matrix of metabolic profile' and 'data matrix of performance of samples' Among those operation of Metabolomics, metabolic fingerprinting, in which metabolic profile is used as fingerprint for samples' performance prediction and classification, is one of the most important application of Metabolomics. On this occasion, practical operation of Metabolomics for high resolution phenotype analysis would be presented. To reveal a power of Metabolomics, a possibility of Metabolomics based prediction of "Life span", which is highly integrated and complicated quantitative phenotype, was studied to find strong relationship between metabolome and lifespan by means of PCA. Orthogonal projection on latent structure (OPLS) based model can predict yeast life span using metabolome as fingerprint. Using information of principal component vector in PCA life span related metabolites were nominated and life span related genes were speculated. The result implies Metabolomics would be applicable for high resolution analysis of a complicated quantitative phenotype, and metabolome information might be useful for strategic enhancement of useful quantitative phenotype for biomass production.

Eiichiro Fukusaki, Professor
Department of Biotechnology,
Graduate School of Engineering
Osaka University
Suita, Osaka 565-0855, Japan
Phone/Fax: +81-6-6879-7424
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Eiichiro Fukusaki entered a private company, Nitto Denko Co, after receiving master degree from Osaka University on 1985.  He received PhD from Osaka University on 1993 through his company work. After ten years company experience, he returned back to Osaka University as an associate professor. On 2007 he has been assigned as a full professor in department of biotechnology, graduate school of engineering, Osaka University. He received several awards including; an Excellent Paper Award of the Society for Biotechnology, Japan [1993, 2003, 2007, 2009, 2012, 2015], the Japanese Society for Chemical Regulation of Plants Award for the Encouragement of Young Scientists. [2001]; the Society of Biotechnology, Japan ‘Saito’ Award [2004]; the Society of Biotechnology, Japan Achievement Award [2015]; Excellent Paper Award of Division of Chemical Information and Computer Science, The Chemical Society of Japan [2009]. His current research interests are focusing on development and application of metabolomics technology. He has published over 250 original papers and 50 patents.  He is focusing on not only fundamental science but also practical application.  Particularly he facilitates research collaboration with private companies in the several fields including food, chemical, pharmaceutical, analytical etc.  He is also energetically promoting international education and research collaboration.  Recently he hasparticipated double degree program in graduated school level between Osaka University and several foreign universities