Finding Novel Anti-Tuberculosis Compounds
发布时间 :2018-06-14  阅读次数 :5982

报告题目Finding Novel Anti-Tuberculosis Compounds

主讲人: Prof. Joo-Won Suh (徐胄源教授)



报告时间6月19日 (星期二) 下午2:00-3:30


联系人: 赵心清



Tuberculosis (TB) has been known to be an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tb) and the MDR (multidrug resistant) and XDR (extensively drug re-sistant) TB incidence currently continue to increase globally. Therefore, the development of new anti-tuberculosis drugs is required for effective treatment of MDR and XDR TB.

In order to address this issue, we screened over 150,000 actinomycetes extracts through in vitro assay using M. tb resistant to existed drugs and isolated two anti-tuberculosis lead compounds as named to Ecumicin and rufomycin. Through DARTS (Drug Affinity Responsive Target Stability) and mutation analysis, we discovered the mode of action that ecumicin and rufomycin, and developed the ClpC1 based screening assay for de-velopment of the ClpC1 inhibitor as anti-tuberculosis lead compounds since M. tb ClpC1 is a druggable target for development of novel anti-tuberculosis lead compounds. This assay has so far been in agreement with payed contraction to GATB (Global Alliance for TB drug development), which is non-profit institute of top-level in TB research support-ed by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Furthermore, we are focusing to produce var-ious cyclic peptides by Split-Intein, which target the ClpC1 specifically. In conclusion, these strategies regarding cyclic peptides targeting M. tb ClpC1 will pave the way for the development of novel anti-tuberculosis lead compounds and eventually save lives from MDR and XDR TB.