核糖体保护与抗药性(Antibacterial drug resistance through ribosome protection)
发布时间 :2018-05-28  阅读次数 :6845

报告题目:核糖体保护与抗药性(Antibacterial drug resistance through ribosome protection)

主讲人:Yong-Gui Gao

主讲人简介:浙江大学获得博士学位,先后在日本和英国从事博士后研究。目前任新加坡南阳理工大学(NTU)生物系长聘副教授(Tenured Associate Professor), 新加坡科技发展局细胞与分子生物学研究院 (IMCB)资深PI。主要从事蛋白质结构生物学研究,先后在Cell, Science, Nature Structural and Molecular Biology, Nature Communications, PNAS等期刊发表多篇研究论文。






Abstract: Current antibiotic resistance crisis urgently requires understanding of drug resistance mechanisms and effectively targeted drug discovery. A wide range of mechanisms could mediate antibiotic resistance, which is currently one of the biggest threats to global health and food security. The ribosome is one of the richest targets for over half of clinically used antibiotics. Recently, we identified a few ATP-binding cassette family proteins that can confer resistance across species to various antibiotic classes through unknown mechanisms. In this talk, I will be presenting our recent progress towards a better understanding of drug resistance involving ribosome protection. Elucidating this mechanism will enable us to rational design improved antimicrobial agents that overcome multidrug-resistant bacteria. Finally, I will briefly introduce molecular mechanism of cyclic di-GMP regulation of bacterial chemotaxis via a PilZ adaptor protein.