Epithelial bending for organ formation: forces, molecular signals, and novel ensemble cell behaviours
发布时间 :2018-05-22  阅读次数 :5589

报告题目:Epithelial bending for organ formation: forces, molecular signals, and novel ensemble cell behaviours

报告人:Jeremy B.A. Green


    Centre for Craniofacial Biology & Regeneration,

    King’s College London,

    London SE1 9RT, UK

Bio:Jeremy Green is a developmental biologist best known for his work on morphogens, first demonstrating Wolpertian fate-determination morphogen dose thresholds and more recently uncovering the molecular basis of periodic Turing patterning in the palatal rugae. His lab currently focuses on both patterning and physical morphogenesis in the embryo.




报告摘要:Epithelial bending is a fundamental process of developmental morphogenesis from the earliest stages of body axis formation to the final stages of organogenesis. Classically, epithelia bend by apical constriction in which apical actin contraction autonomously forces cells to become wedge-shaped. In principle this is not the only way a sheet of cells can bend itself. We have investigated invagination of epithelia to form mouse tooth buds, hair follicles, mammary ducts and salivary glands. A novel family of epithelial bending mechanisms will be presented, including some of the signals and forces that drive them. A global framework for analysis of tissue morphogenesis will be presented.