Discovery, Engineering, and Therapeutic Applications of Small Molecules and Macromolecules from Microbes
发布时间 :2017-07-17  阅读次数 :3489

报告题目:Discovery, Engineering, and Therapeutic Applications of Small Molecules and Macromolecules from Microbes

报 告  人:Dr. Blaine Pfeifer,Associate Professor, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York, Buffalo, NY

报告时间:7月17日 10:00-11:00


联 系  人:蒋明


This presentation will feature the use of Escherichia coli to support research goals that span natural product biosynthesis and vaccine design.  Each application is driven by the metabolic and process engineering afforded by the E. coli vehicle. As a heterologous host for complex natural product biosynthesis, E. coli has been the production route to erythromycin (an antibiotic) and yersiniabactin (a siderophore). The production platform for erythromycin has been engineered for molecular diversity with the associated goal of generating variation in final bioactivity.  Similarly, E. coli has been engineered to produce yersiniabactin, a natural product with a propensity for iron sequestration. Using this platform, the product has been re-purposed for metal removal and recovery from aqueous streams. A final application features E. coli as an engineering-ready antigen delivery vehicle in the context of vaccine design. Here, metabolic engineering is applied to direct and enhance the resulting immune response, and strong protection data has been collected from animal immunization-challenge assays using pneumococcal disease as an initial indication.