发布时间 :2011-08-19  阅读次数 :2301

报告主题:From PCR diagnostics to basic insights: a natural experiment in bacterial pathogenesis?
报  告  人:Dr Kumar RAJAKUMAR
MBBS, MBiotech, PhD, FRCPA
Senior Lecturer (Clinical) in Microbiology
Honorary Consultant Microbiologist (UHL Trust)
Dept. of Infection, Immunity and Inflammation, University of Leicester, UK
Dr Kumar Rajakumar completed his medical studies at the University of Melbourne in 1987. He then obtained a Master of Biotechnology degree, completed PhD studies under the mentorship of Prof Ben Adler, and worked as a Senior Research Fellow at Monash University, before taking up a Fellowship at the University of Tokyo. He completed his Fellowship training in Medical Microbiology at the Royal Children’s Hospital and Royal Women’s Hospital in Melbourne before taking up a Clinical Senior Lectureship at the University of Leicester in 2001. He also holds an Honorary Consultant Medical Microbiologist post at the University Hospitals of Leicester. Dr Rajakumar's major research and clinical interests map to bacterial genomics, pathogenesis and antimicrobial resistance. In the early 1990s, together with colleagues in Australia, he discovered the Shigella Resistance Locus island that now accounts for multidrug resistance in the majority of Shigella isolates exhibiting a particular resistance phenotype. He has since described an Acinetobacter baumannii multi-drug resistance megatransposon and commenced research into the wider contributions of staphylococcal SCCmec cassettes. Dr Rajakumar has published in excess of 40 peer-reviewed papers on bacterial pathogenesis, genomics, clinical microbiology and/or antimicrobial resistance