发布时间 :2011-10-10  阅读次数 :2398

报告主题:Responsible Scientific Communication:Guidelines for Getting published
报  告  人:Dr. Michael Zigmond, University of Pittsburgh, US
Dr. Beth Fischer, University of Pittsburgh, US
主  持  人:何士刚教授
联  系  人:蒋群 生命科学技术学院
罗莹 共青团上海交通大学委员会

Scientific communication is central to the progress of science and to the advancement of one’s professional careers. Presenting findings at a scientific meeting provides visibility and an opportunity for feedback, whereas publishing in a scientific journal disseminates findings widely and provides the gold standard for evaluating productivity. This lecture will provide some detailed instruction on presenting and publishing research. And it will also highlight the decisions associated with doing so responsibly, including decisions about who should be an author, the use of previous work while avoiding plagiarism, and how to present data faithfully. The lecture will also feature a module for faculty on how to integrate teaching on research ethics into graduate school training if time allows.

Michael Zigmond,现为美国匹兹堡大学医学院教授,从事神经科学方向的研究,现在领衔匹兹堡大学关于帕金森综合症疾病和相关机能失调方面的研究。Michael Zigmond教授于1963年本科毕业于卡耐基技术学院(今卡内基梅隆大学)的化学工程专业,1968年在芝加哥大学获得神经科学方向的博士,并于1970年起就职于美国匹兹堡大学。
Beth Fischer,现为美国匹兹堡大学家庭医疗系副教授。2006年获得美国匹兹堡大学教育学博士。自1993年以来,在匹兹堡大学组织生存技能和伦理学讨论班,主要面向研究生学生、博士后和教师进行科学技术写作、口头表达、时间管理等方面的讲座。