发布时间 :2012-04-26  阅读次数 :2581

报告题目:Harvesting Energy from Waste: Accelerating Electron Transfer and Enhancing Microbial Fuel Cell Performance by Bioprocess Engineering




摘要:Environmental pollution and energy crisis are two main challenges for global sustainable development. Microbial fuel cell (MFC) is promising for simultaneous clean energy generation and pollutants treatment, and is considered to be the next wave of renewable energy. Microbes and microbial consortia in the anode of MFC could oxidize a diverse array of organic substrates (including organic pollutants in wastewater) to generate and transfer electrons to inertial solid electrodes, by which the conversion of chemical energy to electricity is achieved.


However, low electron transfer efficiency from bacteria to electrode, and thus the low energy output is one of the major bottlenecks that limit industrial applications of MFC. In this talk, I will be sharing bioprocess engineering strategies which were successfully applied to accelerate electron transfer and improve MFC performance, i.e., molecular breeding of bacterial strain and engineering of bacteria-electrode interface. Specifically, I will demonstrate the utilizations of metabolic engineering, signal transduction engineering, and bacterial outer membrane engineering to efficiently rewire the intracellular electrons to extracellular solid electrode, and thus improve the MFC energy output. In another aspect, the electrode-bacteria interface engineering (i.e., conductive artificial biofilm, 3D graphene/polyaniline/bacteria interface, and 3D self-assembled electroactive biofilm) which dramatically accelerated electron transfer from bacteria to electrode and MFC performance will be presented.

报告人简介:雍阳春,华东理工大学生物化工博士(师从钟建江教授),任华中农业大学农业微生物国家重点实验室讲师,目前为新加坡南洋理工大学Research Fellow。集中研究利用系统生物过程技术构建新型高效微生物燃料电池及生物传感器.

联系人:杜志强     钟建江实验室