发布时间 :2013-05-09  阅读次数 :2576




时间: 201351010:30-11:30

地点: 闵行校区生物药学楼树华厅


报告人: Prof. Shy Arkin


报告题目: From Research to Application——Life Science in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem

嘉宾简介: Prof. Arkin is head of the Authority for Research and Development of the HU. He is also head of the lab for Structural Biology of Membrane Proteins. The lab's primary concerns are with the structural analysis of transmembrane protein using techniques such as molecular dynamics simulations, FTIR spectroscopy, statistical analysis and molecular biology.



报告人: Prof. Aharon Friedman

以色列希伯来大学副校长, 兼农业与环境科学学院院长

报告题目: The 10 most significant discoveries in Agriculture, Food and Environment attributed to Israeli Scientists

嘉宾简介: Prof. Friedman, the Dean of the Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment and the incoming Vice President for Development and Foreign Relations. He received his Ph.D. in Immunology from the Weizmann Institute of Science. He did his post-Doctorate in Immunology at the Harvard Medical School and has since spent time there as a research fellow and a visiting professor.  Prof. Friedman has lectured at the Hebrew University for over twenty years and received his professorship in 2004. He has made major contributions to the field of oral-immune tolerance and has investigated the use of oral tolerance to re-establish self-tolerance in autoimmune diseases