发布时间 :2013-10-31  阅读次数 :2478

报告题目: RNA Binding Proteins in Neurodegeneration

报 告  人: 吴瑛 教授

报告时间: 11月1日,上午10:30

报告地点: 生物药学楼3-403

联 系  人:曹成喜    34205820     This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



1980-1986 上海医科大学,医学学士

1986-1991 美国斯坦福大学,博士

1991-1994 美国哈佛大学,博士后

1994-2003 美国华盛顿大学医学院,助理教授、副教授

2003-2005 美国Vanderbilt大学,教授

2005- 美国西北大学医学院,Lurie 癌症中心,Charles Luis Mix 教授


Selected Publications:

1. Li Y, Ray P, Rao EJ, Shi C, Guo W, Chen X, Woodruff EA, Fushimi K, Wu JY*. A Drosophila model for TDP-43 proteinopathy. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 2010; 107:3169-74.

2. Guo W, Li JT, Pan X, Wei L, Wu JY*. Candidate Mycobacterium tuberculosis genes targeted by human microRNAs. Protein Cell. 2010; 1(5): 419-21.

3. Guo W, Chen Y, Zhou X, Kar A, Ray P, Chen X, Rao EJ, Yang M, Ye H, Zhu L, Liu J, Xu M, Yang Y, Wang C, Zhang D, Bigio EH, Mesulam M, Shen Y, Xu Q, Fushimi K, Wu JY*. An ALS-associated mutation in the TDP-43 gene enhances protein aggregation, fibril formation and neurotoxicity. Nat Struct Mol Biol. 2011 Jun;18(7):822-30.

4. Chen Y, Yang M, Deng J, Chen X, Ye Y, Zhu L, Liu J, Ye H, Shen Y, Li Y, Rao EJ, Fushimi K, Zhou X, Bigio EH, Mesulam M, Xu Q, Wu JY*. Expression of human FUS protein in drosophila leads to progressive neurodegeneration. Protein Cell. 2011 Jun;2(6):477-86.

5. Zhu L, Millen L, Mendoza JL, Thomas PJ. A unique redox-sensing sensor-II motif in torsinA plays a critical role in nucleotide and partner binding. J Biol Chem. 2010; 285:37271-80.

6. Ye H, Zhao T, Tan YL, Liu J, Pallen CJ, Xiao ZC. Receptor-like protein-tyrosine phosphatase {alpha} enhances cell surface expression of neural adhesion molecule NB-3. J Biol Chem. 2011 Jul; 286(29):26071-80.

7. Xu Y, Ye H, Shen Y, Xu Q, Zhu L, Liu J, Wu JY*. Dscam mutation leads to hydrocephalus and decreased motor function. Protein Cell. 2011 Aug; 2(8):647-55.

8. Zhu L, Liu J, Wu JY. Impaired post-transcriptional regulation in Alzheimer’s disease. Prog Biochem Biophys. 2012; 39:703-8. (invited review)

9.  Liu K, Liu Y, Mo W, Qiu R, Wang X, Wu JY and He R*. MiR-124 regulates early neurogenesis in the optic vesicle and forebrain, targeting NeuroD1. Nucleic Acids Res. 2011; 39(7): 2869-79.

10.  Qiu R, Liu K, Liu Y, Mo W, Flynt AS, Patton JG, Kar A, Wu JY and He R*. The role of miR-124a in early development of the Xenopus eye. Mech Dev. 2009; 126(10): 804-16.

11.  Qiu R, Liu Y, Wu JY, Liu K, Mo W and He R*. Misexpression of miR-196a induces eye anomaly in Xenous laevis. Brain Research Bulletin. 2009; 76: 26-31.