发布时间 :2014-09-11  阅读次数 :2182

报告题目:Transcriptional Engineering Tools for E. coli

报 告  人:Dr. Rongrong Jiang

报告时间:9月23日(周二) 14:00


联 系  人:钟建江教授课题组秦浩 34206350



Breeding microorganisms with desired properties has often been achieved by classical strain engineering methods, which includes spontaneous adaptation and use of UV/chemical mutagens, and metabolic engineering approach. However, classical strain engineering methods are usually time-consuming and labor-intensive, whereas metabolic engineering approach requires detailed metabolic information.

In recent years, transcriptional engineering has started to attract attention in strain engineering. Here, we try to improve strain performance under stress by manipulating its transcription profile. Our target is global regulator cAMP receptor protein (CRP), which can regulate over 400 genes in E. coli. Directed evolution methods were employed to introduce modifications to CRP and the mutant library was subjected to selection based on cell growth under various stresses. With this approach, we have successfully isolated E. coli variants with improved oxidative stress tolerance, osmotolerance, biofuel tolerance (1-butanol, isobutanol, ethanol), organic solvent tolerance, acetate stress tolerance and low pH tolerance.


Dr. Jiang obtained her bachelor degree from Nanjing University of Chemical Technology in 2000. After finishing her Ph.D. degree in Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology, she joined Nanyang Technological University as an Assistant Professor. She has over 30 peer-reviewed journal publications in biocatalysis and transcriptional engineering.