发布时间 :2014-09-25  阅读次数 :2292

报告题目: “Chemistry of the Large Numbers" 关于如何构建人工免疫系统组以及组合抗体库的理论和应用

报 告 人:Pro. Richard A. Lerner



报告地点:上海交通大学闵行校区生物药学楼 树华多功能厅

联 系 人: 解丛君 This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  谭晶 This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Professor Richard Alan Lerner studied medicine at Northwestern University and Stanford, earning his M.D. He began his career in research in the Department of Experimental Pathology at The Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla (California), which he led from 1986 to 2012. Richard Lerner’s career in science is one of the most distinguished and decorated. His discoveries and contributions are numerous, including pioneering development of tailor-made catalytic antibodies used as enzyme to accelerate chemical reactions. Additionally, Professor Lerner described the selection and production of monoclonal antibodies with desired biological properties without the need for immunization of animals in 1991 and this method has remained the most efficient way to generate fully human therapeutic antibodies. Professor Lerner is the author of more than 400 scientific publications and holds honorary degrees from seven universities in Europe and America. He has also received numerous prestigious scientific awards, Richard Lerner is also a member of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences. Prof. Richard Lerner was appointed as Founding Director of Shanghai Institute for Advanced Immunochemical Studies (SIAIS) of ShanghaiTech University in October,2012.

Richard A. Lerner教授在美国西北大学与斯坦福大学学习药学,获医学博士学位。1986年至2012年间,Lerner教授在加州Scripps研究所病理实验部从事研究工作,并担任所长。Lerner教授在科学领域的贡献举世瞩目,他的发现和研究成果为数众多,其中包括先驱性的项目—开发出特制的作为酶的催化抗体,用于加速化学反应。此外, 1991年,Lerner教授描述了不需动物免疫、具有所需生物属性的单克隆抗体的选择与制备方法,这种方法目前仍然是制备人类治疗性抗体的最有效的方法。Lerner教授共发表四百多篇学术论文,拥有欧洲与美国7所大学的名誉博士学位,获得众多极具声望的科学奖项,是美国国家科学院、美国医学科学院及美国艺术与科学院三院院士。2012年10月,Lerner教授正式受聘担任上海科技大学免疫化学研究所首任所长。