发布时间 :2014-10-15  阅读次数 :2748

报告题目:Hydrogen isotope separation in metal-organic frameworks

报  告 人:Thomas Heine

Professor, School of Engineering and Science, Jacobs University Bremen, Germany

报告时间:10月17日 上午 10:00-11:30


联  系 人:魏冬青 This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ;熊毅 This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


It is well-known that metal organic frameworks (MOFs) are interesting hydrogen storage materials due to their large surface area and partially due to strong adsorption sites. Due to the rather weak interaction between hydrogen and the framework and the low weight of hydrogen, quantum effects are very important for these systems. As hydrogen and deuterium have a very large mass ratio, their quantum effects, i.e. their zero-point energies, can differ substantially if adsorbed at particular sites in some framework materials.

In this presentation we will discuss two hydrogen separation mechanisms: In the first one [1], we observe a gating effect in a particular MOF – MFU-4 – in order to preferentially allow D2 to penetrate into and through the framework. In the second one [2], observed in CPO-27 and MFU-4l, we use the zero point energy difference to preferentially adsorb D2 over H2. A temperature swing process, working at high temperatures (~100K), is proposed to separate deuterium from hydrogen flue gas. Finally, we discuss tuning of our materials in order to enhance the hydrogen isotope separation.

[1] J. Teufel, H. Oh, M. Hirscher, M. Wahiduzzaman, L. Zhechkov, A. Kuc, T. Heine, D. Denysenko, D. Volkmer, Adv. Materials 25 (2013) 635-639.
[2] H. Oh, I. Savchenko, A. Mavrandonakis, T. Heine, M. Hirscher, ACS Nano 8 (2014) 761-770.