发布时间 :2015-06-15  阅读次数 :2033

报告题目:Rhodosporidium toruloides: Basic Biology and Synthetic Biology

报  告 人:纪良辉  教授  新加坡淡马锡生命科学研究所

报告时间:7月8日 13:30


联  系 人:何亚文 This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


报告摘要:Red yeast (Rhodosporidium toruloides) is a natural beta-carotenoid producing oleaginous yeast. Because it is able to accumulate triacylglyceride (lipid) to more than 67% of its dry biomass under ultra-high cell density fermentation (>150 g/L dry cell mass in less than a week), it has been proposed as a superior host for the development of industrial biotechnology. However, genetic manipulation has been very difficult in this host. We have reported that the unusually high GC content of its genome and severe codon bias were the main reasons causing the difficulties in genetic transformation [2].

I will present our latest efforts in unraveling the molecular mechanisms of lipid and carotenoid biosynthesis and accumulation in this yeast. I will also present our efforts in developing R. toruloides as an alternative synthetic biology platform for the production of high value polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and terpenoids. The Pros and Cons of using non-model microbial hosts for synthetic biology will be discussed.