发布时间 :2015-07-11  阅读次数 :3004

报告题目:3-D Bio-printing, Stem Cells and Vascular Bioengineering

报 告 人:戴国豪 Associate Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Center for Biotechnology and Interdisciplinary Studies, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

报告时间:7月13日 13:00


联 系  人:韩悦 This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Blood vessels play an increasingly important role in most human tissue and organ systems. Importantly, vascular niche was found to be a key element of many stem cell environments such as neural stem cells and cancer stem cells. Vascular cells not only form conduits to deliver nutrient and oxygen, but also provide instructive signals to control stem cell self-renewal and differentiation, therefore, is critical for tissue regeneration.  In this talk, he will present several projects in our Vascular Bioengineering Laboratory in the integration of 3-D Bio-printing, Stem Cells and Vascular Bioengineering for tissue regeneration.

1) 3D printing offers great power and flexibility to allow on-demand control of material configurations thus has great potential in tissue engineering applications, but its translation into creation of “live tissues” remains a significant challenge. In addition, maintaining the viability of thick tissue construct for tissue growth and maturation after the printing is challenging due to lack of vascular perfusion. The bioprinted vascular network has a great potential in engineering vascularized thick tissues and vascular niches. It can also serve as a unique experimental tool for investigating fundamental vascular biology under 3D dynamic conditions.

2) Pluripotent stem cells derived vascular endothelial cells (ECs) have enormous potential to be used in a variety of therapeutic areas such as tissue engineering of vascular grafts and re-vascularization of ischemic tissues. It is also much desired to obtain homogeneous culture of functional arterial or venous ECs for specific applications. Inspired by the findings of vascular development, we hypothesize that stem cell derived Flk1+Nrp1+ cells serve as arterial EC progenitors. We think that this subset cell population is predisposed to arterial differentiation and can be selected to guide arterial differentiation in combination with environmental cues.  My lab is currently developing methods to engineer optimal in vitro environments that guide stem cells into arterial and venous cell fate and compare their functional consequences in tissue engineering applications.  In addition, we are studying the role of venous-specific transcription factor COUP-TFII in the controlling of the arterial and venous cell fate as well as determining their functions in the adult vessel and vascular disease process.



戴国豪(Guohao Dai)伦斯勒理工学院生物医学工程学院副教授。从事心血管生物力学、力学生物学、血管生物学和组织工程研究15年,在整合生物学前沿技术包括最新的三维打印和干细胞技术发展和应用方面有很高的造诣,师从美国工程院院士、麻省理工学院Roger Kamm教授和美国科学院院士、美国医学科学院院士、哈佛医学院病理系主任Michael Gimbrone教授。研究成果发表在Nature、PNAS、JCI、Cir Res、Biomaterials等国际著名期刊,被引用次数达1666,在国际学术会议和学术机构作邀请报告20余次,并获得美国青年科学家之中最具竞争力的奖项,包括美国心脏协会科学家发展奖、美国国家科学基金会早期职业奖(NSF Career Award),美国生物医学工程学会学术之星奖(Rising Star Award)。他还获得了美国伦斯勒理工学院院长的教授早期职业奖,成为该校今年唯一一位获得此荣誉的教授。