发布时间 :2015-12-22  阅读次数 :3016

报告题目:New Methods for Exploring Microbiomes in Novel Environments

报  告 人:赵方庆研究员



报告时间:12月29日 10:00-11:00


联  系 人:蹇华哗 This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



High throughput sequencing technologies enable us to sequence uncultured microbes sampled directly from their habitats, which are expanding and transforming our view of the microbial world. However, extracting meaningful information from tens of millions of very short sequences brings a serious challenge to computational biologists. Current available computational methods for metagenomics are developed based on either low throughput data or a few well-studied microbiomes, which encounter extensive difficulties when applied to novel environmental communities. One of the major challenges is how to assemble and functionally annotate metagenomic sequences without closely related reference genomes. We have developed a new strategy to assemble metagenomic sequences by combining shotgun sequencing and single-cell based sequencing approaches, and also to design new algorithms to annotate metagenomes without closely related reference sequences. In addition, we propose a novel experimental and bioinformatic framework, RiboFR-Seq (Ribosomal RNA gene Flanking Region Sequencing), for integrated analyses of metagenomic taxonomy and function. The main advantage of RiboFR-Seq is that it can provide a direct link between 16S rDNA taxonomy and function of microbial communities using ‘bridge read pairs’ (BRPs). The computational algorithms and platforms will help researchers unveil the taxonomic and functional diversity of various novel environments and improve our understanding of the mechanisms of environmental adaptation in microorganisms.