The 2024 Xuesen Challenge Program-Bioscience Challenge Camp Concluded Successfully

[Release time]:2024-07-31  [Hits]:451

On July 15th, with the grand opening ceremony of the ‘’Xuesen Challenge Program”, the curtain was officially raised on the Bioscience Challenge Camp. The camp's opening ceremony was hosted by Ms. Lin Yishan from the Teaching Administration, with Mr. Ou Yixin from the Experimental Teaching Center in attendance. Through a series of ice-breaking games, students quickly became familiar with each other, enhancing their team cohesion.

On July 16th, led by teachers from the Experimental Teaching Center, students visited the Shanghai Jiao Tong University Botanical Garden to gain an in-depth understanding of various plant characteristics. Subsequently, in the laboratory, students personally made leaf vein bookmarks and completed a blood type identification experiment, initially experiencing the charm of biological experiments.

During the event, students visited the Lee Tsung-Dao Library and the Jiao Tong University History Museum, delving into the life story of Mr. Lee Tsung-Dao and the development history of Shanghai Jiao Tong University. They profoundly understood the spirit of the university motto, "Drink water and think of its source, love your country and honor your school." In addition, students participated in a night tour of Jiao Tong University, experiencing the historical charm and modern vitality of the campus from different perspectives.

On the morning of July 20th, the Xueseni Challenge Camp's achievement exhibition and closing ceremony were solemnly held at the Ho Ying Dong Sports Center. Attracting much attention, students showcased microbial paintings created using fluorescent Escherichia coli, demonstrating the magic and charm of life sciences and drawing the interest of many peers. The 2024 Xueseni Challenge Program's summer challenge camp came to a successful conclusion.

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