Welcome to 2024!School of Life Sciences and Biotechnology Held a New Year Celebration

[Release time]:2024-01-29  [Hits]:543

On the afternoon of January 12, 2024, School of Life Sciences and Biotechnology held the 2024 New Year celebration. More than 100 faculty members gathered together to welcome the New Year.

Under the leadership of Dean Yan Feng , the leading group sent New Year wishes to all the members.Wishing everyone a happy family reunion, good health, embark on a new journey in high spirits and head towards a new goal!

After that, a wonderful party was held under the organization of the trade union. Teachers and students actively participated in football shooting, Touhu, breaking balloons, darts and other games.

At the same time, the“Impression of SLSB” photography exhibition was held in the hall, attracting many teachers and students to experience the beauty of Life Science.


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