SJTU-Osaka Biotechnology Workshop Held in SLSB

[Release time]:2019-04-25  [Hits]:2475

On Nov. 13th, 2018, SJTU-Osaka Biotechnology Workshop was held at Minhang Campus. The workshop was hosted by both SKMML and Department of Bioengineering, SLSB. 

The academic delegation from Osaka University (Japan) led by Department of Bioengineering Chairman Prof. Fukusaki joined SJTU for the workshop. Vice-dean of SLSB Prof. Xiaojun ZHANG and Prof. Fukusaki both made welcome speeches and introduced the background in scientific researches, faculty training, international collaboration and university-industry cooperation of both universities. Vice-dean Prof. Yan FENG also attended the workshop.

During the workshop, Prof. Kino-oka, Prof. Muranaka, Prof. Watanabe, Prof. Fukusaki and Prof. Kawano from Osaka University, and Prof. Ping XU, Prof. Yan FENG, Fengwu BAI, Prof. Jian-jiang ZHONG and Prof. Zheng YUAN made academic reports on their biotechnology research achievements. After the reporting, the representatives from both sides exchanged in-depth views on future cooperation in scientific research collaboration, visiting scholar exchanges, joint programs as well as university-industry cooperation platforms. An agreement was reached on holding the next workshop in Osaka University in 2019 for further collaboration opportunities.

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