Joint International Research Laboratory of Metabolic & Developmental Sciences (Ministry of Education)

[Release time]:2019-04-17  [Hits]:4077

The Joint International Research Laboratory of Metabolic and Developmental Sciences (JiRLMDS) was established in 2011 with solid research collaborations and ongoing student exchange programs from six world leading univerisites and insititutes: the University of Nottingham, the University of Adelaide, MIT, University of Michigan, Universiteit Gent, and INRA (France). Since the establishment, JiRLMDS' collaborative links has been growing, and now the partners includes Yale University, the University of Sydney, and the University of British Columbia.


The goal of JiRLMDS is to become an active collaboration platform that attracts edge-cutting researches, and encourages communications between world-class talents.

3 Major Reserach Areas:

1.Genetics and Biochemistry of Metabolism

2.Interactions of Metabolism & Development

3.Metabolism/Development-based Biotechnology

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