Institute of Mechanobiology & Medical Engineering
Institute of Mechanobiology & Medical Engineering, School of Life Sciences and Biotechnology is one of the key laboratories of "985" in Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Using the multiscale opinions and technics (based on gene-protein-cell-organ-animal model), we demonstrated the relationship between stress and growth in vascular system. Focused on vascular remodeling, we detected the role of mechanical environment in vascular system, and the pathological mechanism in which mechanical stresses induce vascular remodeling. The research may provide some new insights into understanding the mechanobiological mechanism of physiological homeostasis and pathological remodeling in vascular system, and may develope new targets to the diagnosis and therapy of cardiovascular diseases. In recent years, our institute has undertaken about 30 research projects from the National Natural Science Foundation (NSFC), Ministry of Education, and local government.
Our institute has established the following characteristic research directions: mechanotransuction networks based on high-throughput technology; intercellular communication induces by mechanical stresses; mechanobiological mechanism in differentiation of endothelial progenitor cells; nuclear envelope protein and vascular remodeling; vascular mechanobiology in vivo. The main results were published in PNAS, Nano Lett, Cardiovasc Res, J Hypertens, JMCC, J Biomech and Ann Biomed Eng.