

  • 电话:+86-021
  • 邮箱:bochenj@sjtu.edu.cn
  • 地址:上海交通大学生命科学技术学院3-214
  • 实验室网址:https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=P3e8Lc0AAAAJ&hl=en
  • 博士生导师,入选海外高层次人才计划。从事植物光温信号转导和RNA表观修饰的分子机理,近年来研究成果以第一作者或通讯作者(含共同)在Nature Plants(2023; 2021)、Science Advances、Molecular Plant和 PNAS等学术期刊。


  • 2024.07-至今          上海交通大学长聘教轨副教授

  • 2022.10-2024.07    芝加哥大学博士后 
  • 2019.07-2022.10    加州大学洛杉矶分校博士后 

  • 2014.09-2019.06    中国农业大学 植物学博士

  • 2010.09-2014.07    安徽农业大学 农学学士



光不仅为植物生长发育提供能量,也作为关键的环境信号调控植物形态建成。植物通过蓝光受体感知蓝光并调控植物的蓝光响应,蓝光受体通过转录和蛋白后修饰调控光响应已经研究的比较清楚,但是如何通过RNA修饰等调控光信号响应还不是很清楚。因此课题组将在前期研究基础上(Nature Plant, 2023和2021), 继续深入研究蓝光信号转导和RNA修饰的分子机理。


RNA修饰在植物生长发育和逆境响应中发挥着关键的调控作用,在植物里转入去甲基化酶能显著提高植物产量,但是具体的分子机制还并不是很清楚。课题组将在m6A修饰调控叶绿素合成的基础上(Nature plants, 2023),深入研究RNA修饰在光能高效利用中的分子机理。




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    Jiang, B. # *, Zhong Z.#, Gu, L.#, Zhang X., Wei, J., Ye, C., Lin, G., Qu, G., Xiang, X., Chen, W., Hummel, M., Bailey-Serres, J., He C., Wang X.* and Lin, C.* (2023). Light-induced LLPS of the CRY2/SPA1/FIO1 complex regulating mRNA methylation and chlorophyll homeostasis in Arabidopsis. Nature Plants 9, 2042–2058 (2023)


    Jiang, B. and Lin, C. Light-induced protein condensation regulates chlorophyll homeostasis. Nature Plants 9, 1952–1953 (2023). (Research Briefing)


    Jiang, B.# *, Zhong, Z. #, Su, J. #, Zhu, T., Yueh, T., Bragasin, J., Bu, V., Zhou, C., Lin, C., and Wang, X*. (2023). Co-condensation with photoexcited cryptochromes facilitates MAC3A to positively control hypocotyl growth in Arabidopsis. Science Advances 9, eadh4048.


    Wang, X. #, Jiang, B. #, Gu, L. #, Chen, Y., Mora, M., Zhu, M., Noory, E., Wang, Q*., and Lin C.* (2021). A photoregulatory mechanism of the circadian clock in Arabidopsis. Nature Plants 7, 1397–1408 (2021). (Cover story and Highlighted with a News & Views in Nature Plants) (Highly cited and hot paper, recommended by Faculty opinions)


    Jiang, B.#, Shi, Y.#, Peng, Y., Jia, Y., Yan, Y., Dong, X., Li, H., Dong, J., Li, J., Gong, Z., and Yang, S.* (2020). Cold-induced CBF-PIF3 interaction enhances freezing tolerance by stabilizing the phyB thermosensor in Arabidopsis. Molecular Plant 13, 894-906. (Highlighted with a Spotlight article in Trends in Plant Science) (Highly cited paper)

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    Jiang, B.#, Shi, Y.#, Zhang, X., Xin, X., Qi, L., Guo, H., Li, J.*, and Yang, S.* (2017). PIF3 is a negative regulator of the CBF pathway and freezing tolerance in Arabidopsis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 114, E6695-E6702. (Highlighted with a News & Views in Nature Plants and a Spotlight article in Trends in Plant Science) (Highly cited paper)


    Qu G., Jiang, B., and Lin, C.* The dual-action mechanism of Arabidopsis cryptochromes. (2023). Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 66(5): 883-896.


    Wang G, Li H, Ye C, He K, Liu S, Jiang B., Ge R, Gao B, Wei J, Zhao Y, et al. (2024) Quantitative profiling of m(6)A at single base resolution across the life cycle of rice and Arabidopsis. Nat Communications 15(1): 4881.


    Zhang, L.*, Ju, C., Jiang, B., and He, C. (2023). Base-resolution quantitative DAMM-seq for mapping RNA methylations in tRNA and mitochondrial polycistronic RNA. Enzymes in RNA Science and Biotechnology: Part B, pp. 39-54. 10.1016/bs.mie.2023.08.001. (Book chapter)


    Dong, X., Yan, Y., Jiang, B., Shi, Y., Jia, Y., Cheng, J., Shi, Y., Kang, J., Li, H., Zhang, D., et al. (2020). The cold response regulator CBF1 promotes Arabidopsis hypocotyl growth at ambient temperatures. EMBO Journal. 39, e103630.


  • 2024 New Phytologist Tansley Medal (入围和Tansley insight邀请)
  • 2019 北京市优秀研究生
  • 2018 中国农业大学一等博士奖学金
  • 2017 研究生国家奖学金
  • 2017 中国农业大学校长奖学金
  • 2017 先正达奖学金
  • 2014 安徽省优秀毕业生