Yali Xiong, Xiaoyun Song, Poonam Mehra, Suhang Yu, Qiaoyi Li, Dilixiadanmu Tashenmaimaiti, Malcolm J. Bennett, Rahul Bhosale and Guoqiang Huang (Corresponding author). ABA-auxin cascade regulates crop root angle in response to drought. Current Biology. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2024.12.003)
Xiuzhen Kong, Yali Xiong, Xiaoyun Song, Samuel Wadey, Suhang Yu, Jinliang Rao, Aneesh Lale, Marco Lombardi, Riccardo Fusi, Rahul Bhosale and Guoqiang Huang (Corresponding author). Ethylene regulates auxin-mediated root gravitropic machinery and controls root angle in cereal crops. Plant Physiology. 2024, 195 (3),1969-1980.
Xiuzhen Kong, Suhang Yu, Yali Xiong, Xiaoyun Song, Lucia Nevescanin-Moreno, Xiaoqing Wei, Jinliang Rao, Hu Zhou, Malcolm J. Bennett, Bipin K. Pandey and Guoqiang Huang (Corresponding author). Root hairs facilitate rice root penetration into compacted layers. Current Biology. 2024, 34 (10), 2039-2048.
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Guoqiang Huang, Azad Kilic, Michal Karady, Jiao Zhang, Poonam Mehra, Xiaoyun Song, Craig J. Sturrock, Wanwan Zhu, Hua Qin, Sjon Hartman, Hannah M. Schneider, Rahul Bhosale, Ian C. Dodd, Robert E. Sharp, Rongfeng Huang, Sacha J. Mooney, Wanqi Liang, Malcolm J. Bennett, Dabing Zhang and Bipin K. Pandey. Ethylene inhibits rice root elongation in compacted soil via ABA and auxin mediated mechanisms. PNAS. 2022, 119, e2201072119.
Guoqiang Huang, Heng Hu, Allison van de Meene, Jiao Zhang, Le Dong, Shuai Zheng, Fengli Zhang, Natalie S. Betts, Wanqi Liang, Malcolm J. Bennett, Staffan Persson, Dabing Zhang. OsARF6 and OsARF17 control the flag leaf angle in rice by regulating secondary cell wall biosynthesis of lamina joints. Plant Cell. 2021, 33, 3120-3133
Bipin K. Pandey, Guoqiang Huang (Co-first author), Rahul Bhosale, Sjon Hartman, Craig J. Sturrock, Lottie Jose, Olivier C. Martin, Michal Karady, Laurentius A. C. J. Voesenek, Karin Ljung, Jonathan P. Lynch, Kathleen M. Brown, William R. Whalley, Sacha J. Mooney, Dabing Zhang and Malcolm J. Bennett. Plant roots sense soil compaction through restricted ethylene diffusion. Science. 2021. 371. 276-280
Guoqiang Huang, Wanqi Liang, Craig J. Sturrock , Bipin K. Pandey, Jitender Giri, Stefan Mairhofer, Daoyang Wang, Lukas Muller, Hexin Tan, Larry M. York, Jing Yang , Yu Song, Yu-Jin Kim, Yang Qiao, Jian Xu, Stefan Kepinski, Malcolm J. Bennett & Dabing Zhang. Rice actin binding protein RMD controls crown root angle in response to external phosphate. Nature Communications. 2018, 9, 2346
Jitender Giri, Rahul Bhosale, Guoqiang Huang (Co-first author), Bipin K. Pandey, Helen Parker, Susan Zappala, Jing Yang, Anne Dievart, Charlotte Bureau, Karin Ljung, Adam Price, Terry Rose, Antoine Larrieu, Stefan Mairhofer, Craig J Sturrock, Philip White, Lionel Dupuy, Malcolm Hawkesford, Christophe Perin, Wanqi Liang, Benjamin Peret, Charlie T. Hodgman, Jonathan Lynch, Matthias Wissuwa, Dabing Zhang, Tony Pridmore, Sacha Mooney, Emmanuel Guiderdoni, Ranjan Swarup & Malcolm J. Bennett. Rice auxin influx carrier OsAUX1 facilitates root hair elongation in response to low external phosphate. Nature Communications. 2018, 9, 1408.